Marseillan - France
As I was writing at the previous post. Last summer I got an invitation to participate in a conference at Marseillan a town at South France. The conference was about "tourisme durable" and was organized by the Department of Herault (
When I got there on the 21th of September I find quite a lot of pleasant surpices! One of them was that I got two new friends, Bertrand and Jan Claude Mason, son and father both working on accessibility to beaches!

The other thing that I found out is that I am not alone now on this on getting disabled citizens to the beaches. In France there is a whole organization run by disables potential swimmers and tourists! Please go to and find out the wonderful work that there are doing!
During the conference there was an exhibition taking place where products and services that are beeing used to make a beach accessible were demonstrated.

Here I am with the Mayor of Marseillan at the accessible beach. The weather is hot but windy!

Anna is tesing tiralo and she seems satisfied!